Data Visualisations
Miscellaneous dynamic interactive visualisation projects, implemented using D3.js/HTML5/CSS3
A choropleth+radar I developed at the MIT Media Lab in 2018, of global variation in ethical assessment of hypothetical moral decisions made by autonomous vehicles, for the Moral Machine project. Visitors can click countries to view preference shifts, or pairs of countries to compare them. It can be explored in my repo backup deployed here, and is also linked on the "About" page at the Moral Machine website.
Created by a team I led in 2016 at the MIT Media Lab: Global Database of Events, Language and Tone (GDELT) data of political attitudes/interactions among countries globally, presented as a visual explorer interface "GlobalEyes". I designed the project architecture (including daily ETL of GDELT data into a Python Cubes OLAP backend served using Flask), directed the development (managing work by two developers), and contributed to the code.
A choropleth I developed at the MIT Media Lab, of aggregated reciprocity in international influence (to complement a paper authored by colleagues, for data they provided). It can be explored in my repo backup deployed here.
A Sankey I developed mapping book translation languages (as part of a project for a Quantitative Social Science course at Harvard). It can be explored at my repo backup deployed here.
Visualisations I developed for a Harvard course on visualisation principles and technologies